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8 березня, 2017: Зустріч із Послом України в Канаді п. Андрієм Шевченком

Час: середа, 8 березня, 7 вечора

Місце: кампус BCIT у Бернабі – BCIT Burnaby campus, building SE2-Townsquare D (мапа є тут

Тема: Ukrainian-Canadian Partnership: Destination British Columbia

Орзанізатори: Конгрес Українців Канади – Бритійська Колумбія та Український Студентський Клуб BCIT

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Canada and Ukraine enjoy close relations. Historic ties of friendship between our two countries were forged through generations of Ukrainian migration to Canada. Almost 190,000 of Ukrainian-Canadians live in British Columbia. The Honourable Ambassador of Ukraine, Andriy Shevchenko is coming to our province with official visit of the government of British Columbia and Ukrainians of Vancouver in a copmany of UCC Executive Director, Ihor Myhalchyshyn.

Please come and join us in the official welcome of the Ambassador Shevchenko and Ihor Myhalchyshyn on March 8th, 7pm at BCIT Burnaby campus, building SE2-Townsquare D.

This event is an excellent opportuniyt to exchange ideas, plans, and ongoing projects for the benefit of fruitful cooperation between our countries. Please prepare your questions in advance for our Q&A session with the Ambassador.

This event is a joint effort of the UCC BC and Ukrainian Student Club of BCIT.

When: Wednesday, March 8 at 7 PM – 9 PM

Where: March 8th, 7pm at BCIT Burnaby campus, building SE2-Townsquare D (map is available here


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