This weekend we invite you to visit Port Moody Winter Farmers Market – Sunday, December 7th, 2014 at 10:00 am – 2pm.

This Sunday is monthly Members Day! To celebrate members, several of our vendors will be offering promotions available to “Friends of the Market”.
Below are some of the member specials you will find at market this Sunday:
Amazing Foods: Special on spices
Bobali: $1 off or 3 for $12
Gesundheit Bakery: $1 off purchases of $5 or more
Gypsy Trunk Gourmet Fare: $2 off Burritos
KICS Lemonade: Free hot lemonade
Kirina’s Krafts: A free hair clip with every purchase
Mario Teixeira Registered Shiatsu Therapist: 50% discount for 1 hour Shiatsu treatments booked at the Market on Members Day
The Magpies Nest: 10% off select earrings
Tojo Sticks & Bags: 10% off any purchase
Wild West Coast Seafood: Canned smoked oysters $6.50 (Regular $7.50)
….. and more!
Not a Member? Become a “Friend of the Market” and enjoy the benefits of membership. Memberships include an exclusive farmer’s market tote bag, 1 complimentary coffee ticket for our summer market and access to special discounts and promotions offered by vendors.

In addition for an annual fee of $10, your market membership:
Supports the ongoing activities of the Market
Entitles you to receive the Member Specials offered by our vendors at each market
Entitles you to receive Member Pricing at all special events offered by the Market
Includes an exclusive West Coast Seeds package
Includes a coupon for a free beverage at our summer markets
Allows you to vote at the Market’s Annual General Meeting
Allows you to put your name forward as candidate for the Board of Directors
Sign up online or at the Market Information Table. (Please note that memberships purchased will be valid until the end of our winter season April 2015)

This weekend is the last opportunity to participate in our Community E-Cookbook!
Do you love to cook and have an amazing recipe? This month the market is collecting those tried and true recipes to create our first community e-cookbook. Bring your recipe to the market information table or email Be sure to include your contact information! Each individual who contributes to our cookbook will receive a small gift from the market and an entry into our grand prize raffle at the end of the month – A gift basket worth over $100! Each recipe will be an entry to win!
WHERE? 300 Ioco Road, Port Moody, BC, V3H 5M9
See you at the market!