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Ukrainian Canadian Community Commemorates Remembrance Day 2016

November 11, 2016 – Ukrainian Canadian Congress

Each year on this day, Canadians from coast to coast gather together to pay tribute to the brave men and women who have served and today serve Canada in our nation’s Armed Forces. With solemn gratitude, we remember those who fell in defence of our rights and our liberty.


Photo: Department of National Defence Canada

On Remembrance Day, we honour those who have protected our way of life in battles the world over and continue to protect us today. From the Somme to Juno Beach to the mountains of Afghanistan, they fought with honour, valour and courage so that we may live free and in peace. We thank those that serve in the military today and ask God to protect them.

Those who paid the ultimate sacrifice so that we may be free will live on forever in our hearts. To them we owe a sacred debt that can never be repaid.

“Fortunately, most of us will never have to know the horrors of combat. Today we reaffirm our eternal commitment to our fallen,” stated Captain (Retd) Andre Sochaniwsky, CD, President of the Ukrainian War Veterans Association of Canada. “We shall always remember them. We shall always honour them.”

As Ukrainian Canadians, we pause today to pay tribute to the servicemen and servicewomen of Ukraine’s Armed Forces, who are bravely defending their country against Russia’s invasion. We thank the 200 Canadian soldiers training Ukrainian troops as part of Operation UNIFIER.

Every day, Ukraine’s finest sons and daughters fight and die so that Ukraine may be free. Their courageous struggle is a reminder to us all that, too often, liberty must be defended. With God’s Help they will be victorious.

Lest We Forget. Вічная Пам’ять

In Flanders Fields – Маки цвітуть на Фландрії полях   

Маки цвітуть на Фландрії полях Поміж хрестів рядями на гробах, Де поховали нас. А в небі голубім Лунає дзвінко жайворонів спів. Не чути його через рев гармат внизу, Ми мертві вже. Ще кілька днів тому Живі були, сонце заходило за хмари, Когось любили, й нас також кохали Тепер ми лежимо на Фландрії полях. Продовжуйте боротись з ворогами Ми вам передаєм зболілими руками Наш смолоскип. Вгору держіть цей стяг. Бо як зламаєте довіря тих, які лежать в гробах, Ми не заснем, хоч маки розцвітили На Фландрії полях

переклад С. Гурко, 2009 р

For a press package prepared by the Ukrainian War Veterans Association of Canada please see here: UWVA Remembrance Day 2016 – Press Package


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