Публічна лекція Др. Олени Ганьківської на тему громадського здоров’я в Україні та презентація новоствореної Львівської школи громадського здоров’я відбудеться о 14.30 в неділю, 15 листопада в приміщенні української католицької церкви на Ash street.

You are invited to an afternoon session with Dr. Hankivsky who will present her most recent research on Ukraine’s health situation and the exciting opportunity of the newly established public health school in Lviv.
The Lviv School of Public Health, situated in the only private and autonomous university in Ukraine, is the only current possibility for establishing the first comprehensive school in Ukraine to educate a new generation of health professionals to design and implement necessary public health system and policy reforms.
In November 2013 the attention of the international community turned to the tragic but heroic events in Ukraine that have been named The Revolution of Dignity. Since then, the country has gone through a military conflict resulting in a humanitarian crisis.
Violence in Eastern Ukraine has claimed more than 5,000 lives and displaced more than a 1.5 million people. Unfortunately, there is a lack of recognition that these events exacerbate what was already a preexisting health crisis, marked by significant health inequities.
Did you know?
Ukraine has:
one of the world’s worst demographic crises? The UN predicts the population will drop from the current 45.5 million to 35 million by 2050.
one of the lowest life expectancy rates in the postSoviet region? For example, the death rate among working age men in Ukraine is 34 times higher than in the EU countries.
10 year life expectancy gap between women (76) and men (66). one of the world’s fastest growing HIV/AIDS epidemics?
In response to the current situation, international and Ukrainian experts are speaking of the need for modern public health education in the country. In 2012, a team of Ukrainian and Canadian researchers travelled across Ukraine to meet and talk with regular people about their health and health care needs.
Dr. Hankivsky will be presenting the summary of these nationally representative community consultations. Her work in Ukraine led to the formal establishment of the Lviv School of Public Health at the Ukrainian Catholic University in September 2015.
Dr. Hankivsky is a Professor at Simon Fraser University and an internationally recognized expert in the fields of health policy and equity in health has been working in developing the vision for the school. The Lviv School of Public Health, situated in the only private and autonomous university in Ukraine, is the only current possibility for establishing the first comprehensive school in Ukraine to educate a new generation of health professionals to design and implement necessary public health system and policy reforms.
Event Information: WHEN: NOVEMBER 15 2015б door will open at 230pm WHERE: BOARD ROOM, St Mary’s Ukrainian Catholic Centre 3150 Ash St SPONSORED BY: Ukrainian Canadian Professional & Business Association of Vancouver, and the Vancouver Branch of the Ukrainian Women’s Association of Canada.