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Уряд Британської Колумбії виділив $30,000 на допомогу Україні

Уряд Британської Колумбії (Канада) виділив 30,000 доларів гуманітарної допомоги для України, – про це повідомила прем’єр-міністр провінції Крісті Кларк. Кошти будуть передані місцевій філії канадського Червоного Хреста, звідки будуть переправлені на гуманітарні проекти та медичне забезпечення для постраждалих від війни Україні.

Christy Clark (photo

Christy Clark (photo

Деталі в офіційному прес релізі нижче:

October 7, 2014

Victoria, BC – Media Release – Office of the Premier

The B.C. government is providing assistance to the Ukraine with a $30,000 contribution for humanitarian aid and other supports.

“Our government, along with British Columbia’s Ukrainian community, is deeply concerned by the loss of life and injury being suffered by the people of the Ukraine as a result of the unrest,” said Premier Christy Clark. “We are contributing this humanitarian aid to provide much-needed medical aid in the region, and hope that a peace agreement can be implemented as soon as possible.”

The continued situation between Russia and the Ukraine has endangered the lives and well-being of its citizens, damaged local infrastructure, and interrupted the supply of power and water.

The funds will go to the B.C. chapter of the Canadian Red Cross Society, which has been responding to the crisis in the Ukraine since the onset of the unrest in November 2013. The Red Cross will use the donation to strengthen the Ukrainian Red Cross’ emergency preparedness and response by supporting its first aid teams, providing psychosocial support and restoring family links services.

Learn more:

To find out more about the Canadian Red Cross’ work in the Ukraine, or to make a donation, visit:

To see Premier Clark’s past statements on the situation in the Ukraine:


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