Джейсон Кенні, Міністр праці, соціального розвитку та мультикультуралізму, оголосив про надання 3.3 млн доларів уряду Британської Колумбії для пришвидшення процесу підтвердження кваліфікації новоприбулих іммігрантів. Протягом наступної декади у провінції очікується створення 1 мільйону додаткових робочих місць, третину з яких планується заповнити кваліфікованими іммігрантами.
Source: http://prepareforcanada.com
Vancouver, August 6, 2014 (CNW)

Jason Kenney
Jason Kenney, Minister of Employment and Social Development and Minister for Multiculturalism, announced over $3.3 million in funding to the Government of British Columbia to improve foreign credential recognition so that internationally trained professionals can get jobs in their fields faster.
This funding will support over 30 projects to help address barriers to foreign credential recognition for skilled newcomers in BC to help them find jobs in their fields faster. With BC poised for significant growth, this investment will help the province with its need for skilled workers, particularly in the energy and resource industry. The projects funded today include: online tools to better inform new Canadians what jobs are in demand in Canada, outreach and consultation with employers and stakeholders to eliminate barriers to new Canadians entering the workforce, and working with regulators to analyze progress on speeding up the recognition of foreign credentials in in-demand fields.
Recently, the Government announced that, in partnership with the provinces and territories, it will improve foreign credential recognition for 10 more priority occupations, including in the skilled trades and healthcare. Specifically, the Government of Canada is establishing a one year service standard; meaning new Canadians in these fields will have their credentials assessed within a one year period.
The 10 new priority occupations are: geoscientists, carpenters, electricians, heavy duty equipment technicians, heavy equipment operators, welders, audiologists and speech language pathologists, midwives, psychologists, and lawyers.
Quick Facts
– Over the next decade, there will be approximately one million job openings in British Columbia. By 2020, newcomers are expected to fill about one-third of those new jobs.
– Under the Pan-Canadian Framework, high-skilled newcomers in the 14 priority occupations, including some 2,000 pharmacists, 1,200 dentists and 5,600 engineers, are already benefitting from improvements to foreign credential recognition.
– The Government of Canada also offers a microloans pilot project to help internationally trained workers cover the cost of having their credentials recognized. To date, more than 1,300 skilled newcomers have benefitted from microloans.